Latina Indexes

Here we have collected the Latin Indexes for Patrologia Graeca.
We plan to also upload the by far more rich Greek indexes, specifically the table of contents created by Dorotheos Scholarios, known as "kleida Ellinikis Patrologias"
The semantic enrichment of Patrologia Graeca needs interconnections with sattelite texts such as the Latina and Greek table of contents to reveal the accumulated knowledge gathered for a period of 1500 years. Here we provide direct links to specific pages of Patrologia Graeca, in order scholars or simple readers to locate directy the page of interest.

Here, you can find...

1. The complete list with the Volumes and the Authors contained in each volume, however not all of them have corresponding links to the specific page, see below for working volumes

2. The actual working volumes of the above list, untill now, with direct navigation to the specific page of Patrologia Graeca